- Work closely with whoever is in charge of PR (President/Vice-president) to email companies and respond to their messages
- Work on setting up a platform / application where companies reach out to ACM-W to come to our meetings to talk
- Work closely with President to get workshops going for ACM-W meetings
- Work with Social Media Officer to engage audience with good captions
- Organize and manage events
- Organizing special events, seminars, entertainment, competitions and social functions to promote favorable publicity.
- Attending business, social and other events to promote the organization.
Table of Contents
Besides the day-to-day for all officers, ACM-W PR Officer also has the following daily responsibilities:
- Check email for company sponsorship
- Check instagram DM’s for any organization attempting to reach out for collab
- Send out emails to companies concerning sponsorship
- Keep President, VP and ACM PR updated on companies and organizations you are in communication with
Major Tasks
Task 1 (Reach out to similar orgs on campus for collab events)
Task 2 (Reach out to companies/organizations for sponsorship)
Helpful Tips
- When cold emailing do NOT include images, files, links
- this means do not put partner package and images in your email signature with the first email
All ACM officers need access to Slack & Notion via their browser or application.
Previous Officers
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