Where to find notifications?
First, head on over to the top left of Slacks UI and click on the drop-down arrow next to ACM UTSA
Next, click the preferences button on the menu offered.
Pesronalizing your Notifications
There are a few options I like to use for myself that you could also alter to suit you.
Notify me about...
- I don't like to be spammed by every single message but as an officer it is important that we can be reached at least sometime during the work week so i leave my options on Direct messages, mentions & keywords
Notification Schedule
- Now there is a default that the ACM UTSA Slack already assigns you but if you're like me and get busy working during the evening I'd rather be notified then rather than at 7-8 AM. So here I've set my "working" schedule to 10:00 AM - 12:30 AM so others can reach me during my most active times.
When i'm not active on desktop...
- This is a pretty important one for me. Especially if I'm just out shopping groceries. Setting my Slack workspace to inactive after 20 minutes so that notifications are directed to my phone.
💡 Quick link to here: https://tinyurl.com/y6heobjd