✨ 2024-2025 Term Officer: Kelinda Shen
✨ 2024-2025 JOs: Adan Santos & Diego Medina
Good Afternoon [NAME],
I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out on behalf of The Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) at the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA), the largest and rapidly growing tech organization on campus, with nearly a decade-long presence. We are dedicated to providing our members with comprehensive experience that prepares them for their future careers in software and technology.
As a fully student-run organization, our mission is to equip our members with essential resources, hands-on experiences, and networking opportunities to support their journey into tech careers. We’re dedicated to creating valuable experiences for our members, from beginner-friendly workshops to advanced hackathons. For example, our Intro to Tech program offers workshops covering essential computer science topics for newcomers. We also host multiple hackathons, including RowdyHacks, our flagship event attended by over 500 students this past October, Rowdy Datathon, a data science-focused hackathon with 150+ participants, and CodeQuantum, which promotes an inclusive coding environment for underrepresented communities in tech.
We also support specialized sub-organizations:
· ACM-W: Empowers women in technology and organizes CodeQuantum, our hackathon for marginalized genders in tech.
· Coding in Color: Supports minority representation in the tech industry.
· Rowdy Creators: Provides hands-on experience through collaborative, semester-long tech projects.
· ICPC: Prepares students for programming competitions and technical interviews with a focus on algorithms and data structures.
To achieve our goals and continue creating impactful opportunities, we are actively seeking partnerships with companies and individuals who share our vision for empowering future tech leaders. If you’re interested in exploring this opportunity, I would be happy to send over our sponsorship packet in a separate email. The packet includes details on our mission and outlines several levels of sponsorship, each offering unique benefits.
We understand that selecting a sponsorship tier may not be feasible for everyone. If you'd like to contribute through an in-kind donation, we would be pleased to discuss the possibilities with you. Additionally, if the existing sponsorship tiers don't fully fit your needs, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We would be happy to create a custom sponsorship package tailored specifically for your organization.
Thank you for taking the time to read this email and considering the opportunity to engage with The UTSA Association for Computing Machinery.
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or would like to discuss any specific sponsorship ideas.
Your Email Signature
Leave the why to the source and try to keep the what to like 1 or 2 sentences.
Hello hello @everyone,
Tonight we have two awesome events for yall! Google will be talking about their STEP program from 5:30pm - 7pm in Flawn Building 2.01.12.
If you are a first or second year college student and are interested in learning about how to maximize each year of school to ensure that you're industry-ready for internships and full-time opportunities, then come and join us to hear information about the STEP internship and how you can showcase your education/experience/extracurriculars on your resume.
Not a first or second year student? Well CompTIA will be hosting an event to learn about CrowdStrike and their internships today from 5pm-7pm in Business Building Room 2.01.06.
Both events will have free food and are a great networking opportunity. Hope to see you there!
There was a pdf included for this post. If possible to include an image, do so. Also, provide any links for easier access (even if provided in the image itself).
📲 Sub-Organizations PR Contacts
ACM Sponsorship Packet 2024-2025.pdf
Note: Constitution can be found in ACM’s RowdyLink
The Public Relations Committee shall be headed by the Public Relations Committee Officer. The Public Relations Committee shall coordinate events with organizations such as corporations and businesses.
Notes about what was performed during 24-25 academic year:
🍂 Fall 2024
🌸 Spring 2025
🍂 Fall 2024
💰Sponsorship Responsibilities
📋Helpful Hints
🏢 How to Talk to a Company (Networking)
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🫠 List of 2024 Company Contacts:
RowdyHacks post-onboarding mtg/follow-up email
Last Updated: 11/18/24