Hours a Week:
- 5 - 10 hours a week
- Time is split between:
- planning meetings
- presiding over all meetings
- meeting with individual directors
- outreach
Methods to be Effective:
- Start planning early!!!
- I recommend all RowdyCreators directors choose their officer team in Spring, and plan for the next year throughout the summer.
- Plan as well as possible for the first two meetings. These are the most crucial for retention, effectiveness, and overall club success. Do not procrastinate or ‘wing’ these.
- Plan out how to split the room up by interest.
- Plan out ‘to-do’ tasks to get groups started early
- Have meeting incentives for both of the first two meetings
- i.e gift card giveaways, food, etc.
- Stay as involved as possible as an officer team with groups that are forming during the first two meetings, and get as many people to follow the instagram and join the discord as possible.
Things to keep in mind:
- Plan out meeting times and meeting room early!
- RowdyCreators in my experience has been best organized on Wednesdays for a 1.5 hour session between 4 and 7 pm. (Starting at 4:30 or 5 is best organized to pull people to initial meeting directly after Open House, if you do not do this there is a good chance turnout will be lower)
- NPB 5.140 has been the most successful room for bookings so far.
Role Expectations
The Director of Rowdy Creators (RC) will oversee all Rowdy Creators events and meetings and shall have his or her roles defined by the Rowdy Creators Constitution.
- Preside at all meetings of Rowdy Creators.
- Organize Rowdy Creator meetings and projects.
- Ensure that all Rowdy Creator Officers and Junior Officers complete their duties.
- Work with the Rowdy Creators CEO to manage and organize Rowdy Creators as an organization.
- Represent RC during ACM Officer Meetings and ACM Events.