Why I’m Running

ACM-W is such an important sub-org to ACM and has personally uplifted me in finding belonging in classrooms and the tech field where I felt like the minority. I have seen the effort and dedication to the mission of ACM-W by being involved in the organization of ACM-W's codequantum hackathon. That experience pushed me to want to help continue the impact and mission of ACM-W by increasing awareness of the sub-org amplifying our presence through impactful outreach initiatives in the classroom and on campus, and forming strategic partnerships with other organizations on campus. I believe I can bring a mix of enthusiasm for technology, a deep commitment to diversity and inclusion, and strong communication and event planning skills, I aim to make ACM-W more visible and accessible. My goal is to share not only my own story but also those of our members who have found their community within ACM-W, inspiring a wider audience to join the organization.