ACM Wiki

Christian Walker (first choice)

  • I was encouraged to run by the current president, vice president, and projects officer - Great relations with ACM and their executive board (current and running) - Industry experience in multiple sectors of technology, access to an abundance of resources, and a vision to elevate the projects of ACM to the next level - I have excellent people skills, communication, and work ethic - I was the tech lead for RowdyHacks IX as well as interim logistics lead during day 2 allowing me to understand two key parts of ensuring a great user experience for a large group of individuals - I am a fast learner and well adjusted to the normal hustle of ACM - I am proficient in various web, cloud, machine learning, database, and command-line technologies allowing me to be a mentor to any junior officers or collaborators should they require guidance. - I have a vision and desire to rework our hackathon management software as well as our current portal - Proficient with version control software such as github - I am determined and have been able to adapt to any problem that has been thrown at me. I will not stop until my task is completed.