For Members

How do I become a member?
Membership is earned by attending a set number of events within a semester. For the Fall 2023 semester, this number is 7 events. These include the events of all suborganizations and hackathons. Membership continues until the end of the academic year, regardless of whether membership is gained in the Fall or Spring semester.
This system comes at the advantage of being entirely free to the member.
Why should I become a member?
Members will receive exclusive benefits such as opportunities to receive prizes, earn ACM loyalty swag including a stole for graduating seniors, and an invitation to the ACM end of year banquet to celebrate members and network with companies.
Where can I find information about ACM events?
All events will be listed on our Membership Portal and promoted in advance on our Discord and social media accounts (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn @acmutsa)
What is an ACM Sub Organization?
ACM has 4 Sub Organizations and 3 Hackathons that serve specific ACM missions.
An all-inclusive organization focused on creating a community of undergraduate and graduate introductory students, minorities, and women. ACM-W aims to create an engaging academic, professional, and social network for students in technology. Anyone who has in interest in computing can join ACM-W.
Rowdy Creators
Promotes student projects and learning new technology from the pre-idea to pre-seed project development phase through mentoring, organizing project groups, and providing software/hardware resources.
An annual hackathon that encourages students of all disciplines and levels of technical experience to network, learn new skills, and compete for prizes, serving as a great way for all students to build their resume, express creativity, and apply their knowledge of tech.
Coding in Color
Coding in Color strives to create a safe space for black people in the technology world to promote representation in our community. We also advocate for equitable access to job and career opportunities through educational workshops, forming connection with professionals in the field, and networking events.
An annual hackathon that encourages students of all disciplines and levels of technical experience to network, learn new skills, and compete for prizes, serving as a great way for all students to build their resume, express creativity, and apply their knowledge of tech.
Code Quantum
CodeQuantum is San Antonio's first 24-hour hackathon geared towards marginalized genders to promote inclusivity and diversity! Organized by the ACM-W chapter at UTSA, CodeQuantum is dedicated to creating a safe hacking space for students in the tech field.
Rowdy Datathon
Rowdy Datathon is a collaboration between ACM, the Math Department, and the NSA. Hackers learn various data science concepts through resources and workshops and use their knowledge to put together their own data science hacks!
What types of things can I do with ACM?
  • Network with professionals during tech talks from our sponsors and networking events such as the end of year banquet
  • Learn about tech from professors, fellow students, and industry professionals through workshops and tech talks
  • Meet your peers through team competitions/events, socials, a mentorship program (Bits & Bytes), and more
  • Prepare for interviews through ICPC, resume workshops, and interview practice events.
  • Build projects through Rowdy Creators and our Hackathons
  • Compete and win prizes through ICPC and our Hackathons
What if I don't know how to code?
That is perfect! Everyone at ACM was once in that same position. Our organization provides learning opportunities for every skill level. Our Intro to Tech series provides workshops intended for beginners, and our community is happy to provide any guidance or resources to help you learn the tech you're interested in.
What if I am not seeking a degree in tech?
ACM is an organization for anyone with any interest in tech. We welcome students of all majors and even have members who study Criminal Justice and English. Our Officer team also welcomes those with experience or interest in finance, media, advertising, and business to help run our organization.
Why should I join ACM?
Meet new people
ACM provides you with a community of students to socialize and learn new tech with at each meeting. We host social events including game nights, ice cream socials, and more. We want you to join our family!
Get from your studies to your dream career
  • Network with professionals through tech talks, workshops, competitions, and more.
  • Explore what different careers in tech look like through guest speaker events so that you can find a career that fits your passions and hone your skills.
  • Check out "What types of things can I do with ACM?" to see what helps ACM members stand out from other early-career professionals.
Learn about tech
Classes will not teach you everything you want to know or need to know for a career involving tech. With ACM, you will be able to apply your learning in order to gain a competitive edge and pursue your own unique interests.
How do I become an ACM or ACM Sub Organization Officer?
  • Feel free to attend any ACM or ACM Sub Organization Officer meetings to see what being an organizer is like; you will find these on our website's portal.
  • Find the Officer position you are interested in using our Officer Wiki.
  • Become a Junior Officer. Junior Officers shadow current Officers to learn how organizing for ACM currently works. This looks great on a resume and Junior Officers are very frequently elected to the positions they shadow. More information and application here.
  • Run for a position at our annual election!
What if this FAQ didn't answer my question?
Reach out to us! Ask an Officer in the #ask-an-officer channel in Discord, before or after meetings, or email us at We are looking forward to hearing from you!

For Sponsors

What does it mean to sponsor ACM UTSA?
An organization that collaborates with our Public Relations Officer to purchase a sponsorship tier is an ACM UTSA Sponsor. Sponsorship funds will be used exclusively for the benefit of members. Examples of this include building a PC as an organization to learn about computer hardware, hosting a hackathon called RowdyHacks for 500 college students, funding students to attend conferences, and more. We will also use this money to strengthen the relationships between our members and your organization through hosting meetings and other opportunities to network. For sponsoring our organization, you can also receive advertising opportunities, time to speak to members, and more.
Why sponsor ACM UTSA?
This sponsorship model is to mutually benefit UTSA students and the sponsor companies who hire them. We seek to promote student success in tech through providing exposure to industry opportunities, knowledge, and applications of coursework. This will create a new generation of working professionals ready to conquer the tech challenges of the future. When these professionals go into industry, they will have connections with our sponsors and exposure to the opportunities available with our sponsors. Together we can create a more diverse, passionate, technically-skilled, and resourceful generation of early career professionals in tech.
How can I find out more?
Email We would love to collaborate with you!

For Other Collaborators

Who should I contact to collaborate with ACM?
We would love to explore all possibilities to collaborate within the San Antonio and tech communities!* Email us at
*Our sponsors have first priority in collaborating with ACM UTSA.
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