ACM Wiki

Joshua Speshock

My Name is Joshua Speshock, MSIT major with a concentration in cybersecurity in my first year of the program, and I'm a really passionate and overall a very motivated individual to help people break into computer science, data science, and cybersecurity because I truly value sharing my knowledge and I'm more than happy to do what is necessary in order to help ACM and it's sub orgs, but also the CompTIA Student Chapter at UTSA help everyone break into their respective fields and also I'm continuously learning new things about the fields but also soft skills as well. In addition, I'm a cybersecurity content creator using the website called medium to create blogs to help people who are new to cybersecurity get exposed to the different kinds of resources such as training platforms such as Tryhackme or HackTheBox, certifications etc to help them break into cybersecurity by helping them gain the necessary skills and knowledge needed to not only be successful in the present, but also into the future as well. In addition, here is the link to my medium account: , but also you can find me at CyberTexas which is a really great association trying to help foster the next generation of cybersecurity individuals through summer camps, mentorships, and competitions, so here is the link to the organization and also their very well-respected and really exciting program called cyberpatriot: and Furthermore, here is a paragraph about myself: My Name is Joshua Speshock and I'm a really passionate and overall very motivated individual to help people break into computer science, data science, and cybersecurity because I truly value sharing my knowledge and I'm more than happy to do what is necessary in order to help ACM and it's sub orgs, but also the CompTIA Student Chapter at UTSA help everyone break into their respective fields and also I'm continuously learning new things about the fields but also soft skills as well. In addition, I'm a cybersecurity content creator using the website called medium to create blogs to help people who are new to cybersecurity get exposed to the different kinds of resources such as training platforms such as Tryhackme or HackTheBox, certifications etc to help them break into cybersecurity by helping them gain the necessary skills and knowledge needed to not only be successful in the present, but also into the future as well. In addition, here is the link to my medium account: , but also you can find me at CyberTexas which is a really great association trying to help foster the next generation of cybersecurity individuals through summer camps, mentorships, and competitions, so here is the link to the organization and also their very well-respected and really exciting program called cyberpatriot: and
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Additionally, I'm also the project lead for the ACM/Cybersecurity Website Project This semester and next semester and what the project is about is helping members, JOs and officers gain the necessary skills and knowledge or serve as a refresher to not only help them succeed in their studies, but also in the workforce as well. In addition, I'm super passionate and excited about that project because I truly want to help people break into the industry and I will give it my best effort to make that dream possible for all you guys in the most fun and effective way possible. Last but not least, I'm also the network+ study group leader for the CompTIA Student Chapter at UTSA as well. Finally, I truly want to be a Social Officer because I'm a very passionate and motivated individual to help you guys break into computer science, data science, and cybersecurity, so as a Social Officer, I will make sure to help you guys overcome imposter syndrome by creating really fun and valuable workshops and events such as Soft Skills Workshops and talks, Cybersecurity Fun Projects, Book Sessions, Jeopardy Trivia/Kahoot Sessions, and overall my mission as a Social Officer is to help you guys truly break into the field that you want, so I'm going to make sure that my events are the most fun possible, but also the most rewarding as well. Another important thing is that I will make sure that there is a smaller more accessible version of the ACM/Cybersecurity Website project for you guys to access this semester that will be truly rewarding and overall very beneficial to you guys which I have teamed up with RowdyHacks to make that happen by improving their hacker survival guide to maximize it's full potential, but also if you want to get an idea of the resources we will be adding to that here is some links of documents that I created detailing the level of resources that will be added to both projects: and Looking forward to giving my speech and also if you have any questions you can connect with me on Linkedin : and my preferred email address: as well and on discord: cyber_library_man_josh#7168. Thank you so much and I'm Looking Forward To Becoming A Future Social Officer!! Super Hyped and Excited!!