The Junior Officer Position

Being a Junior Officer is one of the best ways to get involved with ACM. Junior Officers get the advantage of a lesser time commitment (which varies based on your role) while still getting the advantage of leadership, professional development, involvement, collaboration experience, and much more.

Roles to Shadow

Executive Council
The President provides leadership, vision, and motivation for The Chapter. Specific duties include:
a. Presiding at all meetings of The Chapter and Council.
b. Ensuring that Officers complete their duties.
c. Maintaining open communication with UTSA, ACM Headquarters, and other organizations.
d. Coordinating Chapter recruitment efforts.
The Vice-President shall act as President in the event of temporary absence or incapacity of the President. Specific duties include:
a. Assisting hackathon directors and planning hackathon trips
b. Collaborating with other Officers to assist with their tasks.
c. Managing credentials and access to all accounts belonging to The Chapter.
The Secretary maintains and disseminates Chapter minutes. Specific duties include:
a. Recording minutes during all meetings and ensuring public distribution to The Chapter.
b. Keeping records of all votes and decisions made through any Chapter vote.
c. Maintaining historical archives of all meeting minutes.
d. Taking attendance at every Chapter meeting.
The Treasurer maintains The Chapter’s finances and bank account. Specific duties include:
a. Reimbursing individuals for expenses.
b. Ensuring accountability for all fiscal transactions.
c. Preparing The Chapter’s Annual Financial Report and submission to ACM Headquarters.
d. Tracking memberships and dues for The Chapter.
e. Coordinating the collection of membership dues.
RowdyHacks Director
RowdyHacks Director is not offered as a Junior Officer Position for the 2023-2024 year. Consider becoming a RowdyHacks Organizer! More information to come.
Code Quantum Director
Code Quantum Director is not offered as a Junior Officer Position for the 2023-2024 year. Consider becoming a Code Quantum Organizer! More information to come.
Rowdy Datathon Director
Rowdy Datathon Director is not offered as a Junior Officer Position for the 2023-2024 year. Consider becoming a Rowdy Datathon Organizer! More information to come.
ACM-W Director
The ACM-W Director will oversee all ACM-W activities and shall have their roles defined by the ACM-W constitution. Specific duties include:
a. Preside at all meetings of the ACM-W Chapter and Council.
b. Communicate with ACM
c. Plan ACM-W meetings and events.
d. Ensure that all ACM-W Officers complete their duties.
Rowdy Creators Director
The Rowdy Creator Director will oversee all Rowdy Creator events and meetings and shall have their roles defined by the Rowdy Creators Constitution. Specific duties include:
a. Preside at all meetings of Rowdy Creators.
b. Organize Rowdy Creator meetings and projects.
c. Ensure that all Rowdy Creator Officers and Junior Officers complete their duties.
ICPC Director
The ICPC Director will oversee all ICPC meetings and events. Specific duties include:
a. Preside at all ICPC meetings
b. Help coordinate and come up with ICPC topics and problems for meetings.
c. Organize teams for the International Collegiate Programming Contest
d. Be a liaison between ACM-ICPC and the Chapter
Coding in Color Director
The Director of Coding in Color will oversee all Coding in Color activities. Specific duties include:
a. Organize meetings (larger events or small groups is up to the discretion of the Director) for the black community in Computer Science.
b. Work with the ACM Public Relations Officer and Public Relations team to ensure diversity and representation in speakers and meetings.
c. Work with the ACM Membership Officer to coordinate outreach to members and campus entities in order to foster this community.
Committee Officers
Public Relations Officer
The Public Relations Officer builds relations with organizations such as corporations and businesses. Specific duties include:
a. Maintaining a database of relationships with organizations.
b. Coordinating Chapter events with visitors and speakers.
Social Officer
The Social Officer organizes The Chapter’s social events. Specific duties include:
a. Coordinating monthly social events.
b. Encouraging members to participate in social activities.
c. Maintaining The Chapter’s social media presence, in collaboration with the Media Officer.
Media Officer
The Media Officer maintains The Chapter’s web and media presence. Specific duties include:
a. Maintaining The Chapter’s website graphics.
b. Designing graphics for logos, banners, flyers, and apparel
c. Maintaining The Chapter’s social media presence, in collaboration with the Social Officer
Projects Officer
The Projects Officer advocates personal projects, open-source development, and collaboration among Chapter members. Specific duties include:
a. Maintaining The Chapter’s GitHub repository.
b. Encouraging members to pursue the development of personal projects to enhance their academic and professional experience.
c. Giving members training on the tools used to participate in personal projects.
Membership Officer
The Membership Officer’s fosters greater involvement from members in all activities of ACM and ACM subgroups. Specific duties include:
a. Promoting ACM in classes.
b. Recruiting new members into the chapter through on-campus recruiting, including the Involvement Fairs organized by Student Activities.
c. Work with other chapter officers to ensure that chapter activities and programs are informative and varied to include programs of interest to all members.
d. Engage chapter members in recruitment plans.
e. Host fundraisers such as The Chapter’s participation in BestFest and DELS
Technical Officer
The Technical Officer helps improve the technical workflow of ACM duties. Specific duties include:
a. Maintaining the backend of the official ACM website.
b. Facilitates live streaming for ACM meetings and archives historical digital media.
c. Organizing and simplifying the ACM technical platforms (GSuite, Notion, and Slack).
d. Researches and maintains new technology solutions to improve the automation and optimization of the Chapters’ processes.
ACM-W Officers
ACM-W Director
See ‘Executive Council’.
ACM-W Vice President
The ACM-W Vice President helps plan and delegate ACM-W events and meetings. Specific duties include:
a. Preside at all meetings of the ACM-W Chapter and Council.
b. Organize ACM-W meetings and events.
c. Ensure that all ACM-W Officers and Junior Officers complete their duties.
ACM-W Secretary
The ACM-W Secretary maintains and disseminates ACM-W Chapter minutes. Specific duties include:
a. Recording minutes during all meetings and ensuring public distribution to The ACM-W Chapter.
b. Maintaining historical archives of all meeting minutes.
c. Taking attendance at every ACM-W Chapter meeting.
ACM-W Public Relations Officer
The ACM-W Public Relations Officer works with the Public Relations Officer builds relations with organizations such as corporations and businesses. Specific duties include:
a. Maintaining a database of relationships with organizations.
b. Coordinating Chapter events with visitors and speakers.
ACM-W Social Media Officer
The ACM-W Social Media Officer maintains The Chapter’s web and media presence. Specific duties include:
a. Designing graphics for logos, banners, flyers, and apparel
b. Maintaining ACM-W’s social media presence


  • What does being a Junior Officer entail?
    • Making great relationships with Senior Officers and building your soft skills!
      The officer you shadow will work with you to explain their responsibilities and give you responsibilities of your own as you feel comfortable.
  • Trouble using ACM's communication platforms?
    • No worries! Once you spend some time chatting with everyone Slack/Notion/Discord are easily navigable.
  • How much time to commit?
    • This will be determined by the position and how much you are willing to commit. The membership can see this and will determine who can/will be voted on in the year's election.
  • When do you need to be available?
    • This will be dependent on who you shadow, after being onboarded to upload your weekly schedule to an official ACM account through Google Calendars.
  • How competitive is the process
    • Depends on the position and a few other factors. Some positions we look for candidates that are strongly able to contribute or have a relevant background. Some positions we just look for candidates who seem to be motivated. Some positions we just look for the right personality. Its also a matter of space - some positions we need tons of candidates for and some we don’t.
      Don’t let this scare you at all from applying though - again, most Junior Officers have absolutely 0 experience. We even have quite a few non-Computer Science majors! Typically, if you select a few different positions, we’ll be able to find at least one you fit well with.
  • Whats the interview process like?
    • After you apply, if you seem like a good fit for one or more of your selected position and we still have availability, an officer will reach out for a quick interview where we’ll determine if you’re a good fit for any of our positions. Then, you’ll be referred to the officers for the top position where they’ll determine from there whether or not they’d like for you to be a Junior Officer for them.
      At least, this is how it typically goes - things can always change 🙂
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