ACM Wiki

Liam Murray (2nd Choice) (1)

Why I’m Running:

I am running for ACM President / VP position with the goal of supporting and leading the incredible officer team that makes ACM happen, while pushing ACM to be the absolute best it can be! Over the course of the past year as ACM’s Tech Officer, I have had the incredible opportunity to become heavily involved with ACM across all of our Suborgs and Hackathons; Witnessing, and in many cases participating in, the huge amount of planning and coordination that goes into making ACM events come to fruition. I hope to use the experiences I’ve had to aid in making the 2023-2024 year of ACM the best one yet! ACM has given me numerous incredible opportunities over the course of the past year, and to continue to play a role in the work it does would be a great honor.
If elected, my primary goal as President / VP would be to work with the officer team to ensure that ACM fosters a growing community of enthusiastic students from a wide, diverse group of backgrounds. I want to do this through building out our relationships with other student organizations, ensuring that our Suborgs have the resources necessary to operate as best they can, increasing our involvement with faculty, and working to make sure that no student is unaware of what ACM has to offer. No matter who they are, I want to ensure that students know of ACM as a supportive and welcoming place for them to find a community and get excited about CS & Technology!

Find me at:

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