ACM Wiki

Media Officer

Flyer Creation Process

Step 1: Flyer Creation
  • Thumbnails and Templates are all created in Canva for easy creation, sharing, and reuse
    • Link:
    • Note: Use Media Officer account since it’s paid and you get access to more features
  • Create a copy from a pre-existing flyer rather than start from scratch and reinvent the wheel
  • Reference the Notion’s Future Events for title, verbiage, time and date, room location, POCs and URLs
    • Persons of Contact:
      • General Meetings: ACM President and Vice President
      • Intro to Tech events: Project Officer
      • Hybrid/YouTube URL: Tech Officer
    • Note: The persons listed above are generally people the Media Officer will usually interact with to get event details
  • Make sure you share the template with the ACM Team on Canva
Step 2: Flyer Approval
  • Once a flyer is ready, get approval and feedback from ACM President and Vice President
    • Also get approval from Point of Contact for certain meetings [Ex. Projects Officer for I2T]
    • Note: Personally, posted a draft png of flyer in Slack and wait until I get all green check emojis from approving members
  • To avoid strange blemish as a result of Canva making PDFs:
    • Step 1: Download final product as PNG instead
    • Step 2: Convert PNG as PDF (in Adobe PDF)
      • Print as “Microsoft Print to PDF” will give better, brighter and faithful color at the cost of resolution
      • Print as “Adobe PDF” will give better resolution at the cost of darker, duller colors
Step 3: Printing and Distribution
  • Submit the Flyer to RowdyLink to get in printed and distributed around school
  • RowdyLink’s approval process is slow, requiring at least 7 days to approve
    • If you do decide to go through this process, you should ask one of the leading officer to add you as an officer in RowdyLink
    • RowdyLink should have a tab or link to submit flyers, don’t know if they’ll change the process/method again since then
    • Officer can only approve one pending flyer at a time
      • You may need to ask other officers to approve the flyer if you wish to approve multiple flyers at a time
    • Note: Refrain from using UTSA logo or invoking UTSA name at all since they flag it as not an officially-sponsored event
    • If you get flagged for resubmission, you’ll have to make their recommended changes and resubmit the flyer again,
Note on Thumbnail Creation
  • Youtube Thumbnail should be 1280 x 720
    • Get thumbnail.png to Tech Officer directly since they’re in charge of Youtube account
    • Or post thumbnail file in Slack database of thumbnails, tagging Tech Officer
  • If you’re wise, the flyer’s picture portion should already serve as the thumbnail, you just gotta crop it
    • I cropped it with Paint 3D simply and quickly
[Outdated] Printing out flyers and getting them approved stamped
  • Officers need to get the flyers on the shared on the "ACM UTSA's team" space on Canva - if you do not have access, contact Chris - by Saturday evening for the upcoming week. Flyers need to be 8x11.5 inch dimensions.
  • Media Officer will load these flyers onto a USB Drive in PDF format
  • Go to NPB 3.108 during business hours (9am - 4:30pm) once a week to print flyers
    • Use the printer closest to the doorway
    • Insert USB
    • Select the appropriate files and print 40 full color copies of each flyer
  • You will need to get 27 of the flyers stamped to put up in specific areas of each campus building they will keep one of the flyers for their records.
  • Get flyers stamped at the Student Activities Office. Any officer from ACM can get flyers stamped as long as they are registered. HEB Student Union 1.210 (use map as reference)
    • Office Hours:
      Monday - Thursday: 8:00am - 10:00pm
      Friday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
      Saturday & Sunday: - Closed
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[Outdated] *Make sure your banner ID is registered to be allowed to get flyers stamped. Talk to president or VP or Doc Rob to be registered.
** ^ This is outdated since there is a new flyer approval process since pandemic that is now online
[Outdated] Where to post printed flyers:
  • During officer meeting have officers/jr officers volunteer to post flyers in a building
[Outdated] Resources for making the yearly ACM t-shirt:
  • We use brandmakers to print the t-shirts so you can go to their website hereOn their website, you can select a shirt - I'm waiting to hear back from Chris on which one in particular, but for your logo making purposes selecting any random one and deciding just on a base color from their palette would be good!
  • Once you have selected color (and input dummy values for the quantity), you can upload your logo. ACM will go on the front and your own design on the entire back (called "full back" on their site). When we do this, we will send them the information and have them make a mock up instead of dragging and dropping into their site but this gives you an idea on placement and the process
  • Allowed file types for the design are are .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .tif, .eps, .dst, .ai, .pdf, .svg (png ai and svg are probably your best bets just make sure the background is transparent so we don't get a white square - ai was used in 2019)
  • So from here steps would be to
    • pick a base color
    • get into a photo editing software and try some things out
  • Just make sure to save it in one of the supported file formatsYou can use the color of the base color on the website to put that as your backdrop on photoshop/illustrator/canva or whatever software you use to edit to see what color to use to make the design and then delete out the base color at the end.
  • Some potential inspiration images are attached to this message. We can have a cool computer parts design, something to do with the cloud, etc, etc. Feel free to make the back a theme as well! Example: Perhaps something about coming back together or being connected would be cool since most people are emerging in person this fall, take inspiration from the globe picture, and make something (this is VERY rough and thrown together in canva in like 2 min) like the logo attached on the back of an orange shirt.
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Role Expectations

The Media Committee shall be headed by the Media Committee Officer. The Media Committee shall be in charge of creating flyers to advertise ACM events.
Formal and Informal Roles:
  • Creating thumbnails and flyers for ACM General meetings
  • Designing graphics for ACM’s T-shirts
  • Distribution and approval of flyers across campus
  • Nudging other officers to finalize details on upcoming events
  • Maintaining a database on Notion for flyers and thumbnails
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