ACM Wiki

Membership Officer


Hours a week:
  • 4-6 hours dedicated to ACM work apart from meetings
To Increase Engagement:
  • Sent emails to CS professors containing advertising for ACM events relevant to their students.
    • Every semester we compile a list of the CS classes being taught that semester in a notion table containing professor email and other necessary info
      • You can find a script to make the process easier on this page
    • We present about each semester’s Open House as well as RowdyHacks in Spring in each class.
      • Email professors from UTSA email, include name of class (ex: CS1714) in subject.
      • Open House presentations can be difficult to throw together, try to start early (1-2 weeks before classes start).
      • Use Coursicle and add every CS class into a giant calendar.
    • You are welcome to look at examples of previous emails on the sent section of the ACM membership officer email ( )
    • If you need the login to the email ask the Technical Officer for help!
  • Tabled in the Sombrilla with other ACM officers and members to get students information about upcoming events and what ACM is/does
    • Posted in the ACM Officer Slack a sign-up form for when we’d be tabling for the week
    • Posted in the ACM Discord asking members to come help out with tabling (.5 attendance points are given to those that help out)
    • Focus of tabling is to get students not familiar with ACM to attend an upcoming meeting and join
  • Organized ACM’s participation in BestFest and Dia En La Sombrilla
    • All necessary information is in notion under BestFest Event Checklist
    • Kept in touch with Roadrunner Productions to assure ACM met requirements to participate
    • Selected Item to sell
    • Created volunteer sign up form
    • Worked with treasurer to purchase needed items
  • Assisted with Resume Review
  • Member list can be found on portal
  • Work with tech/VP to get access to needed software
Officers I communicated with the most:
  • President
  • Tech Officer
  • RowdyHacks Directors

Role Expectations

The Membership Committee shall be headed by the Membership Committee Officer. The Membership Committee’s purpose will be to foster greater involvement from members in all activities of ACM.
  • Promoting ACM in classes.
  • Recruiting new members into the chapter through on-campus recruiting, including the Involvement Fairs organized by Student Activities.
  • Promote ACM-W and other focus groups within ACM.
  • Work with other chapter officers to ensure that chapter activities and programs are informative and varied to include programs of interest to all the members.
  • Engage chapter members in recruitment plans.
  • Meet members through events and socials; knowing an officer makes ACM a lot less scary.
  • Be the member advocate.
  • Manage membership via Portal.
  • Manage onboarding Junior Officers.
Focuses for next semester:
  • Look into revamping full membership requirements to better encourage participation
  • Work with socials chair to create fun events members would want to participate in (Ex. bingo where winners get ACM merchandise —> t-shirt, stickers/ socks, and fun networking events, etc.)
  • Do tabling better and get more active participation in it
  • Reach out to more professors and organizations to put on more relevant meetings
  • Alumni outreach
Things you might need:
LinkedIn • Website • Discord • Instagram • Twitter • YouTube
ACM UTSA LinkedIn • Website • Discord • Instagram • Twitter • YouTube
Class Database Script