ACM Wiki

Nathan Zuniga (1st Choice) (1)

Why I’m Running:

I am running for RowdyHacks director with my goal to continue to develop RowdyHacks into not only just the biggest hackathon in San Antonio, but to one of the biggest in the state! Obviously easier said than done, but I believe I have what it takes for us to continue to grow in that direction. This past year I helped with RowdyHacks outreach leading up until the day of the event, which included presenting in classrooms and tabling in the sombrilla. As a Junior Officer, i’ve had the privilege to see the behind the scenes of how ACM works, and being able to work under the current ACM officers to see how to make ACM great. Furthermore, I myself have now been to FOUR hackathons in just my first year: Rowdy Datathon, TamuHack, RowdyHacks, and Hacklahoma! From these experiences, I have been able to see what I do and don’t want to see in a hackathon, and been able to see what actually makes a hackathon great. If elected, I plan on continuing to make RowdyHacks a better experience for everyone, especially our hackers! RowdyHacks 8 was good, and from the point of view of a Hacker, i greatly enjoyed it! However, we can always improve. Whether it be how we organize the event, or creating a better hacker experience. I will make sure the team I surround myself is the best of the best, and dedicated to the success of RowdyHacks. I will make sure my team is prepared for RowdyHacks, I will make sure my team is heard, and most importantly, I will make sure I am there for my team. Under my leadership, I will continue to grow RowdyHacks and ensure the best possible Hacker experience for YOU!

Find me at:

IG: nathanazuniga Linkedin:
Discord: Z.#0238
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