ACM Wiki

Officer Transition Planning

Accounts should be clear of personal contacts by May 7th ๐Ÿ“ข


  • Technical Officer will reset all* passwords
  • Passwords will be changed to a general password and posted in Slack on May 8th
  • Shared Drive will be cleared up

General Work

  • All application & software passwords will be reset
  • 2FA will be addressed for the accounts that require it
  • All named accounts will be removed
  • All accounts not used within the last year will be removed
  • Current & Past officers will NOT be removed from Slack, if anything, we'd encourage you to stay around and offer adivce if you're wishing to remain
  • The Vice President will be the Admin going forward & Technical Officer will be given the login information needed to complete their work

Onboarding Work-order

  1. Update Vice-President Elect with overall admin privilegesโ€™
  1. Create a google doc to collect new officers
      • name
      • prefered email for accounts
      • discord name includeing #xxxx
  1. Add everyone to Slack and Notion
      • users can join with ANY email address and is encouraged to check out the technologies throughout the summer leading into their term
  1. Remove almost every user from the ACM password vault
      • add users based on a need-to-access basis
  1. Update Roles for moderation
      • Discord
      • YouTube
      • Twitch
  1. Transfer GSuite accounts to new officers
  1. Update account passwords on all platforms