ACM Wiki

Our Technologies

  • Wix
    • Form Submissions Email of submission is sent to council email and anyone can answer
  • Notion
  • Zapier
  • Typeform
  • Zoom
    • Utilizing free student accounts provided by UTSA
  • Google
    • GSuite
      • Only council has accounts
    • Calendar: Public and Officer
    • Youtube
      • Using it for streaming all general meetings
    • Google Analytics -
      • Collecting Analytics for
    • Issue:
  • Social Media:
    • Facebook (Has Delegated roles ability)
    • Instagram (Linked with Facebook)
    • Twitter (Need to research account management tools)
    • Linked In (Need to research page management tools)
  • Bitwarden (Password Manager)
  • Membership (Prospective Use)
  • Elections (Prospective Use)
  • Service Hours? (Prospective Use)
  • Communications (Prospective Use)
  • Attendance Tracking <Card Swipe Option> (Prospective Use)
  • Permission to actually run the event
  • Switch view to "manage" in top right
  • Left menu to create events
  • Requires every detail or request will be denied
    • 16 pages?!
  • Primarily needed for in-person
  • Digital events can be put here too
Screenshot of menu
notion image