ACM Wiki



  • Lead: Identify Goals & Encourage Team to Accomplish
  • Coordinate: Know what's happening, facilitate efficiency
  • Connect: Search for and maintain connections

Role Expectations

The President provides leadership, vision, and motivation for The Chapter.
  • Presiding at all meetings of The Chapter and Council.
  • Ensuring that Officers complete their duties.
  • Maintaining open communication with UTSA, ACM Headquarters and other organizations.
  • Identify goals for the organization
  • Listen to council to understand each positions needs
  • Hear grievances between officers and conflict resolution
Delegate tasks to council members to make progress towards organization goals
  • Using both the defined responsibilities for each role as well as each individual's skills to determine who does what
  • Taking volunteers works sometimes, but a few people may overload themselves given the opportunity
  • It may be helpful to have a centralized task list to delegate duties equitably and communicate progress
Have an overall understanding of how the organization works as a whole
  • Enables insights and oversight and Constitutional compliance that won't come from any other position
Running Meetings
  • Host them in NPB 467 (”The Activity Room”) - email Susan Allen (or Debra Leal) the full names and banner IDs (start with @) of people who need card access
  • It is important to identify the communication styles and preferences of your team to create a meeting atmosphere that feels friendly but productive (True Colors is a UTSA exercise that does this!)
  • Try to keep everything on topic during meetings, low productivity will make people not want to attend
  • Breaking into smaller groups for brainstorming and discussion seems agreeable and may be a good way of increasing productivity/getting more people engaged
  • Many like the idea of a round table, but it needs to be managed and kept quick and topical
    • Worked well to do roundtable as meeting 1 week and President directs topics (bigger picture items) the next, then repeat
    • Use of the timing/signaling may help
Day to day
Keep in touch with Council Members, facilitate work that crosses multiple positions' responsibilities
  • Weekly officer meetings
    • Meet with the VP as necessary before weekly officer meetings (set time aside each week just in case) to prepare for meetings/get oriented
  • Personal check-ins with individuals via Slack
I get email notifications for team inbox on my phone, reply as necessary (this could be delegated)
  • Using Gsuite, each officer has a <position>
  • But there is also a accessible via that all team-members can access, and optionally receive to their individual accounts (See Technical officer to set this up)
Always on the lookout for people who might be interested in ACM
  • I see people who are looking for a tech community, or looking for internships/leadership opportunities and I tell them about ACM
  • This includes looking at the JO Interest form(I get emails when it is submitted) and setting up a meeting with them to see if it would be a good fit
    • This usually includes…
      • Introductions
        • Name
        • Major
        • Year
        • Hobbies?
        • Any other clubs on campus?
      • What do you know about ACM? (Fill in any knowledge gaps)
      • Why do you want to become a JO?
      • Any positions that you are particularly interested in?
      • What does your schedule look like? (to gauge how much involvement they want and how much work you can give them)
        • Do you work?
        • Internships?
        • Other clubs?
        • Courseload?
Frequently contacted by other organizations looking for collaborate or at least cross-promote
  • Contact comes in all forms, Email/Discord/Slack/In unrelated zoom meeting
  • If their cause/audience is similar to ours, I am happy to cross-promote
For general meetings
  • I'm generally the one who does the announcements and makes slides for them at the beginning of the meeting, though this doesn't have to be the case.
  • Try to make it to technical runthroughs to interact with speakers and show appreciation
For relationships with UTSA entities
The Computer Science Department
  • Set aside 30-60 min for a monthly Zoom call with Dr. Prasad (Dept Chair), Dr. Korkmaz (Assistant Dept Chair), Debra Leal (Senior Management Analyst), and ACM Advisors. Email the agenda for this meeting at least 1 day in advance. General agenda is as follows:
    • Give a quick ACM update → a monthly summary document to send to our advisors for this is great
    • Request things from the CS Dept. like mass emails to professors, NPB room access, printing, funding, CS Dept website feature, raise concerns, etc.
    • The department will ask things of ACM as well
UTSA Career Center and Corporate Engagement
  • You or the PR officer can meet with Director of Corporate Engagement (Anissa Mahone) and Assistant Director of Employer Engagement in the UTSA Career Center (Regina Gomez) to develop and ACM meet partners (Anissa has helped with Paycom, Valero, and HEB)
Compliance with Student and National services
Student Activities:
notion image
ACM National
  • Faculty Advisor, President, VP, and Treasurer MUST have student memberships to ACM national
    • The faculty sponsor must have an ACM professional membership, we offer to pay for our advisors' memberships
  • Member lists must be updated at least each semester
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