ACM Wiki

Public Relations Officer

Stock email

I am the Public Relations Officer forĀ ACMĀ atĀ UTSA. I wanted to reach out to you on behalf of the student chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery at The University of Texas at San Antonio. We are a quickly growing organization that has been on campus for almost 10 years now! We aim to provide a rich insight for our members to get a feel of what it is going to be like in their future careers and continue to grow their networks while they gain their education.
What I am here to ask is for you and your company's support! Through our sponsorship model you can directly support these activities.Ā You also get perks like being able to recruit directly to our membership, make a presence here on our campus through branding on our websitesĀ as well as support of the largest hackathon in San Antonio,Ā RowdyHacks. We also pride ourselves on being as inclusive as possible and we recently started a new hackathon that happens in the Fall semester that is geared towards marginalized genders,Ā Code Quantum.
When could you spare a moment for us to chat within the next couple of weeks? I am available most business days!
You can also find a ton of information about our tiers onĀ ourĀ main websiteĀ here.Ā I have also attached our sponsorship packet directly to this email.

Formula for announcement

  • Who should care
  • about What
  • When is it (due?)
  • Where can I attend/get more info
Leave the why to the source and try to keep the what to like 1 or 2 sentences.

Example announcement

Virtual HEB Day at UTSA
When: Thursday, October 15, 2020
Time: Varies depending on the session
Location: Zoom
Sign up on Handshake for your session(s) of interest
There was a pdf included for this post. If possible to include an image, do so. Also, provide any links for easier access (even if provided in the image itself).

Role Expectations

(as per constitution)

The Public Relations Committee shall be headed by the Public Relations Committee Officer. The Public Relations Committee shall coordinate events with organizations such as corporations and businesses.
  • Maintaining a database of relationships with organizations.
  • Coordinating Chapter events with visitors and speakers.
  • Updating members about career events held by The Chapter or UTSA. (Updating calendars, sending weekly emails)
Notes about what was performed during 22-23 academic year
  • Helped to promote CodeQuantum 2022 and RowdyHacks 2023.
  • Offered to help sponsors workshops and social events.
  • Corresponded with companies for meetings
Fall 2020
  • Helped to promote opportunities such as MLH: Local Hack Day: Learn
  • Offered to help promote ICPC competition
  • Corresponded with companies for meetings
  • Helped promote and setup website for SA Food Bank fundraiser
Spring 2021
  • leading up to spring semester I arranged for the first half of the semester meetings to be in place; once the semester started, I spent the next couple weeks lining up the second half of the semester speakers
  • For the second half of the semester, make sure to send out reminders and set up run through meetings at least 2 weeks in advance in case plans change
Helpful hints
  • found some contacts by attending hackathons; by attending the presentations of companies there I was able to request their presentation of something already created
  • have a back-up plan in case things fall through
  • Professors are worth requesting as presenters
  • When cold emailing do NOT include images, files, links
    • this means do not put partner package and images in your email signature with the first email
LinkedIn ā€¢ Website ā€¢ Discord ā€¢ Instagram ā€¢ Twitter ā€¢ YouTube
ACM UTSA LinkedIn ā€¢ Website ā€¢ Discord ā€¢ Instagram ā€¢ Twitter ā€¢ YouTube
RowdyHacks post-onboarding mtg/follow-up email
RowdyHacks post-onboarding mtg/follow-up email