ACM Wiki
Ryan Walters (2nd Choice) (1)

Ryan Walters (2nd Choice) (1)

Why I’m Running:

I'm running for Projects Officer and Technical Officer because I believe I have the skills, determination and ability to improve ACM for it's members. I believe in my term I could help ACM save money and time by creating better, faster, and cheaper processes for Member Attendance measurement. I also find ACM to have a rather lackluster amount of projects which is sad for someone like me, who is all about creating personal projects with every language and framework they can find. Lastly, ACM's website and repositories could be maintained and cleaned up better by a GitHub zealot like me - there's nothing I do better than clean, buffer and polish repositories to the last file.
If you're looking for proof that I can do these things:
  • Check out my website, a static site with a custom domain on Namecheap served through GitHub pages and built through Jekyll. Custom CSS (via Sass) and Kramdown posts, writeups and a portfolio of projects.
  • Check out any of my multiple Vue SPA projects like /power-math/, /the-office/, /lovely/ and more. I have tons of experience with Vue and I think more people should learn about how crazy nice SPA pages can be.
  • I have experience with Python, Java, C#, Elixir, HLSL, C, Kotlin, Javascript, Typescript, Git, Sass and I'm only a freshman. I don't plan to stop adding to this list any time soon! Or just check out my GitHub:
  • If you're interested in learning more about the process of project creation in a variety of languages in frameworks, you should elect me.
  • If you found the attendance form to be somewhat lacking, slow or below standard, you should elect me.
  • If you're interested in the quality of ACM's website as a whole to improve with my years of experience in Web Dev, you should elect me. If you want an experienced full stack software engineer who's excited to help ACM anyway they can, you should elect Ryan Walters for Projects Officer!

Find me at:

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