ACM Wiki



  • Assists the President and Vice President in any tasks that are needed.
  • Maintain and organize Notion.
  • Record attendance of officers in all officer meetings.
  • Keep track of member attendance in all ACM and sub-ACM groups.
  • Create surveys & polls for miscellaneous information needed from members and officers.
  • Create and reserve event spaces on RowdyLink for general ACM events.
  • Count votes for ACM elections.
  • Ensures organization of the ACM Room and keeps inventory.
  • Orchestrates the auditing of current officers to ensure productivity and task completion

Role Expectations

The Secretary maintains and disseminates Chapter minutes. Takes notes of meetings and maintains attendance.
  • Recording minutes during all meetings and ensuring public distribution to The Chapter.
  • Keeping records of all votes and decisions made through any Chapter vote.
  • Maintaining historical archives of all meeting minutes.
  • Taking attendance at every Chapter meeting.
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