ACM Wiki

Vice President

The Specifics

Act as President if the President is absent
  • Not everyone can make it to everything, sometimes things come up, so be ready to step in and lead
    • This rarely happens, Chris is just too good
Engage with members
  • Stir some conversations in the Slack or Discord
  • Moderate and engage with general meetings through the YouTube chat
  • Organize the RowdyLink page and help ensure events get posted (I like RowdyLink because I know freshmen will see the events! But we have started to focus on other advertising sources more too)
Ensure ACM UTSA is in line with the UTSA and ACM guidelines for an organization
Use the ACM Chapter Interface to update officer, faculty sponsor, and member lists
  • This is our connection to the local and national ACM chapters
  • Faculty Advisor, President, VP, and Treasurer MUST have student memberships to ACM national
  • The faculty sponsor must have an ACM professional membership, we offer to pay for our advisors' memberships
  • Member lists must be updated at least each semester
  • Contact ACM local activities with any concerns or issues regarding chapter status
Attend the training(s) required by UTSA for student organizations
  • This gets us our RowdyLink and room reservations (in non-COVID years!)
  • State Mandated Risk Management Training and Student Organization Town Hall once per year
Coordinate volunteer and other outreach events
  • Work with other officers, professors, companies and/or non profits to plan, advertise, and put on events or volunteer efforts
    • For example, Youth Code Jam and the San Antonio Food Bank Virtual Drive were 2 events I helped coordinate
Find an idea you're passionate about and take the lead on it!
  • Part of being Vice President is also having a vision for the organization (you will rely on the President for a lot of it but you can add your own flare too!)
    • Part of this, for me, is helping people get started in the tech field by showing them some basic skills through the Intro to Tech workshop series where the projects chair, Vanesa and I plan, advertise, and host the workshops.
Things that made my 2022 year successful (Zaq)
Keeping a line of open communication open to my counter-parts. i.e. President
  • pre-meetings with the President
  • leading meetings with PR Team
  • assisting with the Tech Team
  • Security for the org with password management and a defined hieharcy with the officers
  • I focused on respecting peoples time during meetings
Advice from ‘22 - ‘23 VP
  • Much like Zaq’s advice, keep an open ear to things and be mindful of people’s time
  • If possible, try to take initiative on some things and check on what’s needed. Sometimes easy to get lost, so always good to try to ask around if anyone needs help
  • Find a niche to focus on. I focused on Intro to Tech, Zaq focused on PR.
  • #1 thing is to be very communicative on things, I think this contributes strongly to the success of your tenure

Role Expectations

The Vice-President shall act as President in the event of temporary absence or incapacity of the President. In the absence of both the President and Vice-President, the Council shall elect a temporary President from the Council.
  • Coordinating Chapter recruitment efforts.
  • Coordinating volunteer and other outreach events
  • Collaborating with other Officers to assist with their tasks.
  • Managing credentials and access to all accounts belonging to The Chapter.
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